Quantum Capacitance of 2D Material - I

Now, we will derive an expression for the quantum capacitance of a 2D material. Consider a neutral isolated sheet of degenerately doped 2D semiconductor of area A. Let the geometric capacitance of the sheet per unit area be C0. The equilibrium condition of the sheet is shown on the left side of the figure below. The density of states D(E) is plotted as a function of energy E. The area under the blue curve in the figure represents the total number of free electrons per unit area, N0.

As we have seen in the chapter on carrier statistics, for degenerately doped 2D semiconductors, the number of free electrons can be written as


where D0 is the density of states, EF is the Fermi energy and E0 is the first subband energy. Now, suppose we add δN electrons per unit area to the sheet. This means we add an additional charge of δσ=eδN to the sheet. This will lead to a change in electrostatic potential δϕe=eC0δN. A change in electrostatic potential is depicted as an upward shift in the bands by eδϕe on the right side of the figure above. Therefore the first subband E0 is at E0+eδϕe now.

What about the change in the Fermi level ? Let the Fermi level shift by δEF. The new Fermi level is at EF1=EF+δEF. The new carrier concentration N1=N0+δN is shown as the blue shaded area in the figure above. We can write it as


From this equation, it is very easy to conclude that -


This equation shows that the shift in Fermi energy (δEF) is not equal to the shift electrostatic potential energy (eϕe). There is an additional shift of δN/D0. However, in the limit that the density of states is very high, D0, the shift in Fermi level is nearly equal to the shift in electrostatic potential energy.

δEFeϕe (D0)

We have already seen the physics behind this previously. A high density of states at a given energy implies that we can pump more electrons to a given energy. In contrast, a low density of states implies we need to go to higher energy levels to add more electrons.

Classical physics assumes a very high density of states. In such a situation, we can see that the system’s capacitance is nearly the same as that of its geometrical/electrostatic capacitance.
